How to Run Java Program
Java is a popular, high-level, object-oriented
programming language that was developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun
Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation) in the mid-1990s. It is widely
used for developing various kinds of software, including web applications,
desktop applications, mobile applications, games, and more.
Step by Step Implementation
To run a Java program, you need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your
computer. You can download the JDK from the Oracle website or any other
reliable source.
Step 2: Write your Java code in a text editor such as
Notepad or any other code editor. Save the file with a .java extension and file
type as ‘All files’ in the desired location.
Step 3: Open the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac
or Linux).
Step 4: Navigate to the directory where you saved your Java
code using the “cd” command.
Step 5: Compile your Java code by typing “javac
[filename].java” in the command prompt/terminal. This will create a .class file
in the same directory.
Step 6: Run your Java program by typing “java [filename]”
in the command prompt/terminal. The program will execute and produce the
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