Intern and inplant students task:100+programs downloadload materialsHow to run PHP program in Xampp step-by-step? How to run PHP program in Xampp step-by-step? Write this program in a notepad and save it as file.php or any other name. < ?php echo " hello ! Welcome to Itxperts" ? > After completion of the installation, you can use the XAMPP Control Panel to start/ stop all servers. Start Mysql and Apache servers. Copy file.php to htdocs ( C:/Program Files/XAMPP/htdocs ) You can also create any folders inside htdocs folder and save our codes over there. In order to get the dashboard for localhost: search http://localhost in any browser. Now to run your code, open localhost/file.php then it gets executed. With this we come to an end of this article. I hope you have learned about XAMP, the installation of XAMP and how to run a PHP program in Xampp.