The 22 most basic commands of Kali Linux
We’ve divided these basic commands into five different
- General
- Manipulation
- Reading commands
- Editing commands
- Permission commands
Category 1: General
Let’s begin with the general commands first.
1. uname: Get detailed info on your system specifications with this command. Great place to start familiarizing yourself with Kali User Interface.
2. pwd: This command prints the name of the working directory
A convenient way of showing the directory you’re working in. Especially useful for novices since Kali Linux has a command shell where it’s easy to get lost when you’re in the middle of something complicated.
3. ls: This command Displays what each file contains and the directories they’re stored in. An easy way to view all the contents (files) contained in a directory
The -l flag details each category, other than that, you can use -an attribute.
4. history: Get to know all the previously used commands and attributes with history command. It lists all the previous commands you entered (stored in bash shell).
5. macchanger:macchanger changes your mac address, essentially changing your identity.
It helps with protecting your anonymity on the internet, making your IP untraceable.
6. ifconfig :ifconfig <=> interface configuration.
Lets you view current network interface settings and configure them.
7. echo: It’s like the basic print function you learned in GW basic. Prints any text to where you direct it to.
echo > [file name] prints the copied text in a new file.
echo >> [file name] prints the copied text to an existing file.
Using echo without a ‘>’ will automatically create a new file for the text.
8. cat: Lets your read files and link them together, exchange their contents, etc.
Commonly used in Linux.
9. Clear: Pretty self-explanatory, clears the terminal screen, and lets you fill it anew.
Category 2: Manipulation commands:
Manipulation commands let you make modifications to files and their content.s
10. mkdir:Creates a new directory.
To create a directory under Desktop called folder1, open a terminal and type this:
11. cd:changes the directory you’re working in. Very commonly used, and a very convenient way to shift directories.
12. cp:Serves the basic copy-text/something purpose. Use this to copy one or more files to a location of your choice. You can pretty much move entire directories with this command.
13. mv:This command moves files between directories.
14. rm:Very basic yet essential command, rm removes highlighted texts.
PART THREE: Reading Commands
You get access to files with the following commands.
15. more:more gives you bird’s eye view of the contents of a file.
Use more to view contents in a file in a convenient manner, one page at a time instead of making you scroll down the whole thing.
16. less:does everything that more does, just saves you some RAM while it’s at it. Shows you what’s going on with a certain file, except it doesn’t completely load it.
17. sort:see information sorted, to see contents in a certain orderly arrangement. Use -r switch, to sort the contents in reverse order.
PART FOUR: Editing Commands
Edit your text files with either one of the following text editors:
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