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Showing posts from August 5, 2018

Online PHP Training #training trains

PHP Training Introduction of Web & PHP What is PHP? The history of PHP Why choose PHP? Installation overview First Steps Embedding PHP code on a page Outputting dynamic text The operational trail Inserting code comments Exploring Data Types Variables Strings String functions Numbers part one: Integers Numbers part two: Floating points Arrays Associative arrays Array functions Booleans NULL and empty Type juggling and casting Constants Control Structures: Logical Expressions If statements Else and elseif statements Logical operators Switch statements Control Structures: Loops While loops For loops Foreach loops Continue Break Understanding array pointers User-Defined Functions Defining functions Function arguments Returning values from a function Multiple return values Sco...

Data Science training course in Erode with Python

Data Science training course in Erode with Python Learn to use Python as your Data Science tool of choice This course teaches you Python as a tool for data science, and specifically for implementing an advanced Machine Learning algorithm with Python I. Introduction and Setting Up Your Integrated Analysis Environment Setting Up Your Integrated Analysis Environment & Tools Overview IPython Shell Custom environment settings Jupyter Notebooks Script editor Packages: NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc. Once you complete this module, you will understand some of the unique benefits of using Python for data science / what features make Python particularly well-suited for data science, you will be able to set up a fully functioning Python-based analysis environment, and you will know what each tool is used for in the data science workflow. II. Using Python to Control and Document Your Data Science Pro...